Arrangementskalender – Event calendar

Enkelte norske forskningsinstitusjoner har arrangementskalender der det orienteres om institusjonens kurs og webinarer om åpen forskning.

Some Norwegian research institutions have event calendars presenting their webinars on open science.

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Informasjon med tidspunkter informeres om ved å følge lenkene nedenfor. Vær også oppmerksom på at enkelte webinarer har en frist for påmelding noen dager før det avholdes.

Oversikten er ikke utfyllende og omfatter kun universitetene og enkelte andre aktører som tilbyr webinarer om åpen forskning og der dette informeres om i egen kalender. Kontakt redaktøren for eventuelle oppdateringer. Kalenderen oppdateres fortløpende.


Details, including time slots, are accessible through the links provided below. Please be aware that some webinars require registration a few days before the event.

This list is not comprehensive and primarily includes universities and a handful of other institutions offering webinars on open science. If you have any updates or additions, please get in touch with the editor. The calendar is updated on a regular basis.


Webinarer høsten 2024 / Webinars autumn 2024
23.08.24  How to meet Open Science requirements    UiB
06.09.24 How to write a data management plan (DMP) UiB
06.09.24 Data Management Plan for projects with personal data NTNU
17.09.24 Open and reproducible research: An overview UiO
19.09.24 Open and reproducible research: How to preregister research studies? UiO
20.09.24 How and where can you archive your research data   UiB
20.09.24 Archiving and Publishing FAIR Research Data NTNU
20.09.24 The research data insider: EOSC who? What? Where? RDA Norway
23.09.24 Open and reproducible research: How to make research reproducible? UiO
25.09.24 Open and reproducible research: How to publish openly? UiO
26.09.24 Open and reproducible research: How to make research more visible? UiO
04.10.24 Datahåndteringsplan (DMP) på 1-2-3 NTNU
26.09.24 Open Science Lunch: The dark side of academic publishing BOTT
18.10.24 How to manage and share sensitive research data   UiB
21.-25.10.24 Norwegian Open Access Week UiT/USN
28.-30.10.24 Pilot Training Program for Open Access OpenAire/PATTERN
01.11.24 Making your research visible and open using researcher profiles   UiB
01.11.24 Archiving and Publishing FAIR Research Data NTNU
08.11.24 Introduction to pre-registration   UiB
08.11.24 Data Management Plan (DMP) in one-two-three NTNU
11.-15.11.24 Pilot Training Program for FAIR RDM OpenAire/PATTERN
15.11.24 Research data management in the active phase of research   UiB
26.-28.11.24 The Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing UiT
29.11.24 How to write a data management plan (DMP)   UiB
03.12.24 Datahåndteringsplan for prosjekter med persondata NTNU
10.12.24 Archiving and Publishing FAIR Research Data NTNU
13.12.24 Taking advantage of existing research data   UiB


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