FAIR-by-design methodology for development of learning materials
Webinar 24.04.25, 09:00-09:30
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In this RDA research data insider we are happy to present the FAIR-by-design methodology for development of learning materials as produced by the Skills4EOSC project.
A six-stage workflow is envisioned as a tool that can be used by the community of training/learning materials designers helping them upskill their traditional design process by paying attention to ensure FAIRness of the produced learning content.
Sonja Filiposka is a full professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, part of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia. For over 6 years she is actively involved in a number of Open Science and EOSC infrastructure initiatives. In the Skills4EOSC project she is the task leader for the FAIR-by-Design methodology.
The global research data community produces extensive knowledge and expands the practice of data management and FAIR data sharing. Yet, it is challenging and time-consuming to stay up to date. In the Research Data Insider, the training and outreach group in RDA-Norway invites speakers from the international research data community to talk about current issues and outputs. With this series, the Norwegian RDA node wishes to create awareness, engagement and knowledge exchange regarding the many topics addressed and issues resolved through work in the global RDA community and other research data communities. Would you like to present output from research data work, or propose topics or themes? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the RDA-NO training and outreach group. |