cOAlition S: Towards Responsible Publishing

Nå lanseres forslaget til ny strategi for cOAlition S som legger vekt på at forskere fritt skal kunne dele alle forskningsresultater, og at de selv skal kunne velge når og hva de vil publisere.

Illustrasjon: cOAlition S
Illustrasjon: cOAlition S

Dette er en oppfordring til å gjøre forskningsresultater tilgjengelige på et tidlig tidspunkt og at både manuskripter og fagfellevurdering bør deles åpent. Tanken er at dette vil styrke fagfellevurderingsprosessen:

The result of an open, post-publication review process is that those who are interested – such as fellow researchers, or grant application/tenure review committees etc. – can scrutinize and assess the work more effectively.

Dette er hva cOAlition S skriver om strategien:

"After an extensive period of preparation, our "Towards Responsible Publishing" proposal has finally been published today! You can access it through our dedicated webpage at or directly download the document from here. Additionally, it is also available via Zenodo.

The proposal is complemented by an introductory blog post by Bodo Stern and Johan Rooryck and an one-page summary.

Furthermore, we have set up an early feedback survey to gather initial reactions from the research community.

We have also published a number of posts on social media, which you can access below: 

In the coming days, we will continue to promote the various elements of the proposal and encourage participation in the survey. Therefore, if you are also planning targeted dissemination efforts, such as support statements, quotes, or opinion/blog pieces, please inform us so that we can coordinate our efforts efficiently.” 

Kontakt: Maria Karatzia, Communication officer – cOAlition S – European Science Foundation


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