Taylor & Francis
1. General overview
Taylor & Francis
Type of agreement
Publish and read
Agreement period
1.1.2025 - 31.12.2026
Participants in the agreement
Participant list for the current year
Title lists
Title list for publishing 2024
Administrators at participating institutions can find the license in ConsortiaManager (Edvarda).
2. Publish through the agreement
How to publish in the agreement: Workflow for the researcher (pdf)
The agreement includes articles with corresponding authors who are affiliated with one of the institutions that are part of Sikt's consortium agreement (see overview).
Authors can publish openly in hybrid journals without extra cost. It is the date the article is accepted for publishing that is relevant for when it is covered by the agreement. Articles that are desired to be published openly beyond the quota require APC payment.
The institutions themselves must approve all articles published via the publisher's workflow.
There will be a gradual increase in the number of articles that can be published openly.
3. Reading access
The agreement offers the following journal packages:
- Social Sciences and Humanities Full Collection
- Science and Technology Full Collection
- Medical Library Collection Full
- Fresh Collection
4. Taylor & Francis gold journals (T&F Open)
The agreement includes publishing in the publisher's gold journals. It entails a 10% discount on the publishing fee (APC) and central invoicing to the institution.
Institutions that wish to can join this additional agreement, and they will then get articles in the gold journals into the same workflow as the hybrid journals.
Participating institutions T&F Open 2024
For researchers: Each institution's library manages the agreements. Contact your library if you have questions.
For research administrators: More information (prices, licenses, etc.) can be found in ConsortiaManager (Edvarda) or by contacting Sikt.