No agreement between Wiley and Sikt on a new publish and read agreement from 2025

Unfortunately, it has not been possible to reach an understanding with Wiley on a new publish and read agreement. Sikt and Sikt's negotiation council have therefore decided not to continue the agreement from 2025.

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The negotiation process has been ongoing since spring 2024. Sikt has received several offers from Wiley, the latest just before the turn of the year. The offer included a price increase for a publish and read agreement from 2025, despite the demand for a price reduction. The publisher has recently announced that this offer is final, and the offer is not accepted by Sikt and Sikt's negotiation council. 

On behalf of the participating institutions, Sikt has negotiated with price reduction as the most important requirement. The agreement has been highly priced compared to similar agreements from several other publishers. Therefore, it was prioritized to bring the price down to the level of other agreements. Price reduction is especially important at a time when institutions have strained finances.

From 2025, researchers at member institutions will not be able to use the agreement to publish articles openly without paying an Article Processing Charge (APC). 

The agreement for a discount on gold journals will also be discontinued, as it is part of the publish and read agreement.

The institutions will retain perpetual access rights to electronic files and retrospective content, generally back to 1997, for any journals in which the institution has such rights.

Researchers with questions about Wiley's journals are encouraged to contact their institutional library.

In 2024, 57 Norwegian research institutions participated in the agreement with Wiley, making it one of the largest agreements Sikt negotiates. 

All other agreements Sikt has negotiated for the period from 2025 have been finalized with an acceptable result, so it is only the negotiations with Wiley that have not been successful.

Read more about the agreement with Wiley for the period up to 2025

If you want more information, contact your institutional library or Sikt.


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